China is developing and prospering in an interestingly high rate and it’s not just progressing in one sector but is implementing something that will benefit every industry and every sector. Recently the communist government tried to evade internet crime and China has now picked up a new motive, ending internet crime in China and implementing this change around the world as well.
Recently the Xinhua News Agency reported that since the start of the internet crime strategy in June, the Chinese government has arrested more than ten thousand suspects that have caused problems on the internet and these people are now being questioned over the internet security breaches. All the individuals were charged different suspicions, some were known to steal personal citizen information and some were known to deal in arms illegally.
Apart from these individuals the government has been trying to pick up internet cyber crime gangs that created havoc on the Chinese internet security. Although the government is initiating these reports and arresting people, it’s not the only aspect of internet crime that has been targeted, the government has also ordered more than sixty websites and internet forums to be blocked considering they were filled with inappropriate content and many internet providers were fined as they were found to access unlicensed websites.
China targets internet crime
According to the Chinese government their was a decrease in internet crime but due to the easy attitude of the internet providers there was still problem in coping up the crime rate and fully implementing the change would be impossible. A BBC report recently confirmed that people would face serious punishment if they attacked the country’s leaders online. Any sort of criticism on the internet regarding leaders would lead to severe punishments.
China has taken another initiative that would help in controlling anonymous internet crimes. They’ve developed a new rule that would eliminate the performance and building of unregistered internet cafes. People use these internet cafes as a cage to remain free of any individual identities and the scare of being caught is also pushed to a maximum low. The Chinese government thinks that by closing these cafes down the illegal criminal operations will decrease or hopefully cease. Apart from this there would be less truancy and it will be much easier to catch internet criminals.
The internet security crackdown initiated by the Chinese internet security department has also targeted pornography and the illegal sale of personal details sold by hackers on the internet. These websites and links have been blocked and are inaccessible.
The Chinese government was bound to take some steps considering internet crime has risen at a serious rate. According to the Xinhua News report the south province of Guangdong suffered a serious breach in one of the government’s official websites. After the attack the Chinese government took a serious step in eliminating internet crime and arrested more than 150 people though to be involved in this crime.
With the elimination of cyber crime in China the people will breathe a sigh of relief. Identities were being sold and more than seven thousand certificates were roaming on the internet and these certificates had an original value of more than three hundred million Yuan that amounts to nearly forty-seven million dollars. These certificates helped in securing jobs and also allowed users to have an educational qualification degree which they didn’t receive, the certificates also allowed users to avoid many important administrative procedures that are required in gaining a driver’s license as well as a residence permit. The gang that breaches this records caused a lot of problems causing administrative and security issues in identifying what’s right and what’s wrong.
Author Bio: Beth has been in the business of providing quality information on spyware for android tablet. Her main expertise lies within the spectrum of spy apps for android which are making waves in the technology world today..