Finally Internet Explorer 9 released by Microsoft. After last year released the Internet Explorer 9 Beta, this year the full version released. Microsoft call the IE 9 as Beauty of the web.
Microsoft believe that website more beautiful if browsed with IE9. If so many people complain about the previous IE because it’s slow, Microsoft believe that IE9 faster the before. Some of Microsoft staff said that IE9 is the fastest browser. IE9 also provide HTML 5 support. After before so many complain that IE9 fail to support HTML5, this news looks promising. As a web designer, maybe this one is the important for me. So much HTML5 that looks fine in Firefox, messy in IE9.
IE9 also campaign that IE9 is fast, clean and trusted. Microsoft add smartscreen filter to make IE9 safer when browsing in internet.
I downloaded and installed IE9 Beta, but then I uninstalled it. Very slow and need more resources. I prefer IE8. But I just downloaded, and will installed it. I wanna try IE9 full version, and hope that will not uninstall it.
So guys, please try Download IE9 – Beauty of the web, and please leave comment after experience with IE9.