In the near future, WhatsApp will introduce a feature allowing users to create an “Alternate Profile.” This feature will enable users to set a different name and profile picture for individuals who are not in their contact list.
WhatsApp, a widely used instant messaging application globally, serves both personal and professional communication needs. Recognizing this dual role, WhatsApp is developing the “Alternate Profile” feature, which will allow users to have a distinct profile visible to the public. Additionally, the app is working on simplifying the process for more users to join video calls.
WhatsApp Alternate Profile Feature
As recently identified by WABetaInfo in a beta version, WhatsApp is actively developing an “alternate profile” feature. This feature will grant users the ability to maintain a private profile visible only to their contacts while displaying an alternative name and photo for those who are not in their contact list. Currently, when users protect their profile photo, those not saved in their phone’s contact list see a blank profile picture. With this feature, these individuals can be presented with an alternate profile photo and name. Ultimately, this feature enhances user privacy, particularly when interacting with individuals beyond their everyday contacts, such as clients, colleagues, and industry peers. It allows users to avoid sharing their personal photo while also avoiding having a photo-less profile. Please note that this feature is presently being tested in the beta version of the app and is not yet available in the stable version.
Video Calls with Up to 31 Participants
WhatsApp is also in the process of enabling group video calls with a maximum of 31 participants, according to WABetaInfo. Previously, group calls supported up to 32 participants, but users could only select 15 participants to initiate such calls. They had to start the call with a few individuals and then add more participants separately while the call was ongoing. The new change streamlines the process of starting a video call with the maximum 32 participants right from the beginning. This feature is currently being rolled out to iOS users, while Android users have not reported seeing this change yet, although it remains a possibility.