PES 2012PES 2012 Dribble and Feint almost same with PES 2011 dribble and feint. So, if you have master this in PES 2011, it will be easy.

PES 2012 dribble and feint also still have easy control, by assign some dribble trick to the Right Analog Controller.
But if you love to do PES 2012 dribble and feint moves by manual, you may see the tutorial below.

PES 2012 Dribble and Feint :

All tutorial for PES 2012 dribble and feint written with asumption the player moving from the left to the right of screen. So adjust it by yourself when you move with anothers direction.

Body Feint
There are 2 type of body feint, while running and in the stationary position (standing). To do body feint, just move the right analog up or down. Depend on your needs.

Step Over
Step over also can do while running or in stationary position rotate right analog from down to the right (cross over with the right foot) or rotate right analog from up to the right (with the left foot). If you also play street fighter, it like doing Hadouken.

Step Over Fake
Do the step over and then press up+right or down+right.

Side Step / Drag
Do just side drag just press and hold L2 and press right analogi Up or Down. Depend on the direction the you want to move. You can change the direction when doing side drag. So, if in the first move you choose to press up, you can change the direction by press and hold L2 + down.

Matthew Feint
To do Matthew Feint, just press and hold right analog up and then press right+down (diagonal down) direction. Another one is press and hold right analog down and then press right+up (diagonal up) direction.

Drag Back
Press and hold L2 and then press the right analog left.

Drag Back and Move
After do drag back, continue the move by press  the D-Pad (left analog) up+right (diagonal up) or down-right (diagonal down).

Back Heel Feint
Hold L2, rotate analog right from left to up, and then push left analog (D-Pad) down. Another version, hold L2, rotate analog right from left to down, and the push left analog (D-Pad) up.

Inside Bounce
It’s same with Drag back and Move, but doing it while running. The other version is while running, hold L2 button and then press right analog to the left, then you must press the left analog (D-Pad) to right. If right analog to right, left analog (D-pad) to the left.

While running, hold L2, move right analog right+up (diagonal up) and then move the left analog (D-Pad) right+down (diagonal down). Another :  hold L2, move right analog right+down (diagonal down) and then move the left analog (D-Pad) right+up (diagonal up).

Cross Over Turn Ronaldo Chop
While running, hold L2, move the right analog up and then move the left analog (D-Pad) up. Or hold L2, move right analog down and the move left analog (D-Pad) down.

Rainbow Flick
While running, hold L2 and then press R3 twice.

Lift Left and Lift Right
While running, hold L2, press and hold R3, and then move left analog (D-Pad) up+right (diagonal up) or down+right (diagonal down).

360 Turn aka Zidane Turn or Roulette
Press and hold L2 and then rotate the left analog 360 degree clockwise.

Fake Shot
Press Square + X and the direction. It mean we have 3 options. Square + X + up, down or left (back). Hard to explain these, just practise in Training Mode and will find that these 3 moves really powerful.

Fake Pass
We know in PES 2012, we have 3 options in pass. With X, Triangle or Circle. To do the fake pass, just press R1 + R2 and the pass button.
X + R1 + R2
Triangle + R1 + R2
Circle + R1 + R2

L1 + L2 + L3 + R3

See the best video that I can found in youtube for PES 2012 dribble and feint

I will update this article if I find another new PES 2012 dribble and feint.

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