The most important when play Pro Evolution Soccer / PES 2011 is PES 2011 team style, about how to setting team style or style of play. Off course, team style related to the formation that you choose. But for my opinion, that’s okay not change or edit the formation, as long as you set the right team style, your team will playing good.
If you play the previous PES 2010, you already know about team style. It’s still same, the different just in the parameter value. In PES 2010 team style use scale 0-100, in PES 2011 it’s 0-20.
Pro Evolution Soccer / PES 2011 Team Style setting :
Player Support
You may setting it from 0-20. PES 2011 divide all parameter in 3 section.
0-7, your player will more defensive or always stay behind of the ball.
8-15, your player will occasional or sometimes support the attack. They will come forward sometimes
16-20, your player will actively support the attack. Be careful for using this setting. Quick attack (used to counter attack) can kill you.
Support Range
0-7, your player will spread wide. It’s suitable if you like to play direct football or long passes.
8-15, your player will support in the middle range. You may play short passes or long passes here, but remember adjust your power. In this range, sometimes you must press X longer so it can go further usual short pass.
16-20, your player will support in the short/narrow range. In this style, you can play short passes or play one-two.
Adjust this range and adjust it with your PES 2011 playing style. If you usually press X with very little power, choose narrow range. You know your style so choose it wisely.
Position Switch
0-7, your player will stay in their position.
8-15, your player sometimes will switch position with another player.
16-20, your player always switch the position, even sometimes their stamina do not support the position switch.
Choose wisely. Playing PES 2011 with doing switch position too much maybe make your team look play attractive, but when defense, maybe some player not in their position. Advice if you use switch often, when you attack, please take some time to make your player back to their position.
Attacking style
0-7, your players will attack from the flank, or play wide.
8-15, your player will spread in the pitch, try to cover all area in the pitch.
16-20, your player will attack through the center. I also called direct football. Almost all player try to get in the penalty box. If your PES 2011 team have a tall player and good in heading, this is may be one of solution to get goal.
0-7, your team will try move back every time your player loose the ball.
8-15, your striker will try to press the opposite, but the defensive player still wait in their position.
16-20, your team, all defensive and attacking player, press the opposite aggressively. Calculate your team stamina if you choose this one. This setting will be a disaster for your PES 2011 team in last 15 minutes.
Defensive Line
0-7, your defensive line will drop back. Almost near with the goal keeper.
8-15, your defensive line in the 1/3 behind of the pitch.
16-20, your defensive line very high, almost 1/2 of the pitch.
If you like too playing with offside trap, high defensive line is great choice. You also may activate auto offside in Management Edit (new feature on PES 2011) to help you with offside trap, or you can do it manually.
0-7, your teammates will move away from the ball holder. If your player (ball holder) in the right side, the teammates will go away and go the left side.
8-15, your teammates will stay in the possible range with the ball holder.
16-20, your teammates will stay close/near with the ball holder.
Close compactness may be great if your opponent is bad to hold ball. But is very risky if your opponent good in holding ball, and can kill you with the through pass. Through pass is one of deadly technique in PES 2011.
Defensive Strategy
You just make a choice from 2 options here, 0 (zero) or 1 (one).
0 (zero), your defensive will be line. It usually use Central Back and Side Back.
1 (one), one of your defensive player will covering other defender. It also can said using a sweeper. So the sweeper will be the last man in the defensive line. It also use Central Back and Side Back.
After read and know all this setting, create and choose your own style. Winning game in PES 2011 with your own PES 2011 team style is feel GREAT.